Director's Message
Shri. Rajashekara N, IPS
DIG/Director, CDTI, Hyderabad.
It gives me great pleasure to announce that Central Detective Training Institute, Hyderabad, now has a website. Information on the activities performed in the institution will be available on the website.
In the year 2023–24, CDTI, Hyderabad, has organised 83 courses, workshops, webinars, conferences and other events on various topics. 70 training courses will be held in the year 2024–25. The information posted on the website will undoubtedly help Law Enforcement Agencies and Central Armed Police Forces keep abreast of CDTI, Hyderabad's training schedule.
I am confident that the training provided by the "National Cyber Research, Innovation and Capacity Building Centre (NCRI&CB)," which is established at CDTI, Hyderabad by the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C), MHA, will greatly boost the LEAs' confidence and success when conducting investigations into cybercrime cases.
It is my humble appeal to the State Police Organizations and the Central Police Organizations to fully utilize the seats by nominating the suitable police officers.
To further develop the Website’s contents and the courses offered at CDTI, Hyderabad, we kindly ask for the valuable feedback of the State Police Organizations and the Central Police Organizations.