The Training block
The Training block was inaugurated on 21st September 2017 by Dr. Meeran Chadha Borwankar, IPS the then Director General, BPR&D New Delhi. It is three story octagonal- shape inter connected block.
Class Rooms
The institute has two state of the art class rooms equipped with latest audio and visual equipments to accommodate 30 to 35 participants.

The institute has a library having collection of about 16,000 books on subjects like law, forensics, police, information technology, criminology and allied subjects of professional interest. The trainees are encouraged to develop the habit of reading books.
Cafeteria in New Trg. Block
This institute has cafeteria in new training block with the seating capacity of 60 members with latest furniture for refreshment of the trainees during the break period.
Seminar Hall
This institute has a Seminar hall with the seating capacity of 80 members with latest audio, digital podium with projection equipments.
The National Cyber Research, Innovation & Capacity Building Centre (NCRI&CB) established at the Central Detective Training Institute (CDTI), is one of the seven verticals under Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C).
Yoga for the Trainees & Staff
The institute has Yoga hall with the capacity upto 100 members and conducts Yoga classes regularly to the trainees and staff.